


Anda mempunyai masalah semasa membuang air besar?atau sembelit?atau buasir?

MELILEA GREENFIELD ORGANIK adalh penyelesaiannya..
TAK CAYA?Cuba try..Anda akan rasa PUAS membuang...heheh..


1- Mengandungi BIJI-BIJIAN (rice, wheat, sweet corn, barley):

biji-bijian berkulit kuning keemasan ini kaya dengan serat yang dapat merangsang pergerakan usus, mengandungi nutrisi anti-kanser dan anti-oksidasi, membantu melancarkan percernaan dan membuang sisa-sisa kotoran dalam tubuh. Seluruh biji-bijian ini mempunyai daya serap yang sangat kuat sehingga dapat menimbulkan rasa kenyang dan melangsingkan badan dengan cara membakar lemak di dalam tubuh.

2-Mengandungi Betakarotine (berasal dari wortel, core chantenay, lobak radikula, daucus carota, dan lobak nantes):
betakarotin sangat bermanfaat membantu meningkatkan daya penglihatan, membantu menyelesaikan masalah pencernaan, menyembuhkan cirit-birit, meningkatkan metabolisme dan daya tahan tubuh. Selain itu betakarotin juga dapat mencegah kanser dan mencegah sel-sel tubuh rosak akibat proses pengoksidaan.

Tapi ..if dah makan MELILEA GREENFIELD ORGANIK..jgn lupa pulak minum banyak air masak....



CUSTOM MADE pun boleh order..

Bermacam-macam box lagi kami boleh sediakan...

Untuk maklumat lanjut sms 019-2662271


Testimoni : 

Masalah kesuburan wanita.
MANDUL dan Alhamdulillah dapat diatasi dengan Melilea Greenfield Organic.
Hamil setelah menunggu selama 10 Tahun.

Ingin tahiu lebih lanjut?
Hubungi 019-2662271

How to Hand Express Breast Milk


Difficulty: Easy

Things You’ll Need:

  • Clean bowl
  • Picture of your baby or a piece of your baby's clothing
Gently massage each breast to make the milk flow more easily. Stroke down gently toward the nipple.

Place your thumb flat against the dark skin around your nipple (areola) and cup the rest of your hand under your breast, with the lower fingers against the ribs. Gently squeeze your thumb and forefinger together, while at the same time pressing your hand back and in towards your breast.

Express your milk until no more comes out. Then rotate your fingers to another place on the dark area (areola) and repeat. Switch to your other breast when the flow of milk slows down.

melilea greenfield organic..The Functions of Organic food..The functions of naturopathy ...The functions of natural healing philosophy&

3 most potent efficacies!

Integrating the world's 3 most potent efficacies!

1. The Functions of Organic food
Organic food includes more than twenty types of vegetables, fruits and cereals that are derived using the latest and most sophisticated technologies. The knowledge pertaining to the development and consumption of organic food stems from several renowned organic food purveyors who have conceptualized the theory based on the body's optimum dietary requirements. Such knowledge has provided our body access to a wonderful treasure trove of botanical nutrients. At the same time, these are also the gateway to detoxification and internal colon cleansing benefits.

2. The functions of
This is based on unique ingredients that react internally to remove toxins from the body. It is envisaged that people become ill due to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Therefore, detoxification is an integral part of the body's natural healing system. Melilea Greenfield Organic is the revolutionary breakthrough as a result of this philosophy. It is also the most powerful and fastest detoxifier in the world. Anyone, after consuming this for three days, will normally experience a new sphere of internal cleansing. For those who are severely afflicted with toxins in the body, their excretions may tend to smell bad and they may need to visit the toilet frequently. For those who are better off, the bowel cleansing habit will improve. After visiting the toilet, you will feel more relaxed and at ease. Melilea Greenfield Organic cleanses your body thoroughly, rejuvenating from within towards natural recuperation.

3. The functions of natural healing philosophy
2500 years ago, the father of medical theory, Hippocrates said, "Natural healing should be foundation of medicine. Doctors should only aid in the natural healing process". The meaning of the statement sums up everything apply; that 'the best medicine is food, especially organic food'. Melilea Greenfield Organic is the revolutionary breakthrough of modern medical theory. It combines the unique detoxification theory and the benefits of organic food to promote natural healing. This forms the basis of natural healing in the future, free from medicine.

Ideal for all ages & conditions
Normal condition
Cancer patients
Prenatal or postnatal
Weak immune system
Overweight or underweight
Rheumatism, arthritis or varicosity
Weak liver, intestines and stomach
Longevity seekers  
Senile plaque, freckles or pimples
Irregular menses or menopause
Before or after surgery
Pre-aging or general weakness
Patients of chronic diseases
Constipation or haemorrhoid
HURRY..Call me at 019-2662271 for more information.NOW!!



GINKGO BILOBA is a standardized extract from the leaves of the ginkgo tree, the world’s oldest living tree species. Ginkgo biloba helps improve circulation and relieve symptoms caused by poor circulation, such as cold hands and feet, memory problems and tinnitus. 

KOKOMINDA PLUS contains ginkgo biloba which responsible for its ability to inhibit blood clots, thereby improving circulatory functions.

  • Improve memory
  • Prevents age-related decline in brain function
  • Coldness & numbness in the extremities (hand & feet)
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Impotence caused by poor blood flow to erectile tissue 
    For information, call 0192662271.

    1 box RM 20.90 (15 sachet)


ORGANIK cream..bukan sahaja moisturizing..tapi

Detail of Krim serbaguna

• A superior quality revitalizing cream that revitalizes the skin cells, specially added with natural herbal extracts such as Angelica, charmomile, gingko and witch hazel

• Increase moisture retention and accelerate skin metabolism, thereby restores and revitalizes cells and slow down skin ageing, making skin youthful, healthy and vibrant.

Tangan Auni kena senduk panas

Ni masa auni kena senduk panas...time tu abi tengah nak tuang kuah spagethi kat atas pinggan dia dan tangan auni alih-alih bergerak ke rah senduk...
Punye meraung kesakitan..Sian dia..kitorang pun cepat2 sapu krim Melilea..

Dan kesannya...Hanya tertinggal kesan merah sedikit..tu maybe sebab dia sapu krim dgn tisu.

Krim ni kena sapu SEGERA sebelum dia mengelembung....Bukan kita nak mintak ianya berlaku..Just In case apepe kemungkinan yang akan menjelma...Saya cadangkan semua orang ada stok..especially mereka yg ada anak-anak di rumah..

Untuk maklumat lanjut,hubungi 0192662271 @

Semoga kita seniasa di lindungi Allah selalu.


AJAIB!!Melilea Greenfield Organik..

Percaya atau tidak?Inilah testimoni dari pengguna..
Hubungi segera 0192662271 untuk maklumat lanjut.

Cream SERBAGUNA sekali lai berguna lagi MENGELAKKAN TANGAN AUNI (anak ke-3 saya)dari melecur!!!

Ceritanya begini....Masa makan mlm tadi,senduk panas yang abi pegang terlanggar tangan dia masa nak curah kuah spagethi kat pinggan dia...Auni plak time tu sibuk letak cheese atas pinggan dia..apa lgi..bukan main meraung kesakitan ...siann dia

Dan ummi pun segera sapukan krim ni..

dan hasilnya..Alhamdulillah..xde mengelembung air/kesan melecur.t..cuma ada sikit kesan merah..tu pun sebab dia sapu dengan tisu krim tu..maybe masa tu tgn dia pedih dek akibat terkena senduk tu...yelah..panaskan...

Caya atau tak?Nak maklumat lanjut?atau NAK TUNGGU KENA baru bertindak?...krim ni kena saapu segera setelah kena..if dah tinggal kesan...mmmm...kena cari benda lain le plak..

Hubungi sekarang 019-2662271 


Hadapi Masalah gatal?

Cream ini dapat membantu anda menTIDAKGATALKAN kulit anda..
hanya sapu..DAN ANDA PASTI tak gatal lagi InsyaAllah..

Testimoni pelanggan yang telah mencuba banyak krim lain yang dibeli dari farmasi atau dapat dari klinik.. dan akhirnya...

Untuk keterangan lanjut..hubungi 019-2662271