

Nigella Sativa or Black Cumin Seed or Habbatus Sauda

Selama berabad-abad, minyak dan herba Black Seed telah digunakan oleh jutaan orang di Asia, Timur Tengah, dan Afrika untuk menjaga kesehataannya. memiliki aroma, bentuk yang sama seperti biji bijan, namun berwarna hitam, black seed telah digunakan secara tradisional untuk berbagai keperluan dan penyembuhan penyakit yang berhubungan dengan sistem pernafasan, perut dan saluran pencernaan, gangguan pada perut dan hati, sistem kekebalan tubuh, dan untuk menjaga kesihatan secara baik.

Black Seed dikenal juga dengan Black Cumin, Black Caraway Seed, Habbatul Baraka (the Blessed Seed-biji yang mengandung berkah), dan bahasa latinnya "Nigella Sativa".

Sejak tahun 1959, telah lebih dari 200 studi dari Universitas international dan artikel yang dipublikasikan dalam bermacam jurnal ilmiah membuktikan kelebihan produk yang telah digunakan secara tradisional sejak 1400 tahun yang lalu ini. Meskipun Black Seed murni adalah produk yang sangat efektif, namun demikian banyak penelitian telah dilakukan untuk membuat campuran dengan produk lainnya untuk memberikan kesan yang lebih baik.

Black Seed kaya akan komposisi kimia yang sangat beragam. Selain kandungan utamanya, crystalline nigellone, Black Seed mengandung 15 macam asam animo, protein, karbo hidrat, keduanya dalam bentuk fixed oils (84% asam lemak, termasuk linolenic dan oleic), dan minyak volatile, alkaloids, saponin, dan crude fiber, juga mengandung bermacam mineral seperti : kalsium, sodium dan potasium. Selain itu, masih banyak kandungan penting lainnya yang belum teridentifikasi, sementara penelitian terhadap produk ini masih terus berlangsung di seluruh penjuru dunia.


Saved by Nigella

The only Nigella I know before this is of course the curvy-buxom-beautiful cook on Travel and Living, Nigella Lawson. But last night I was saved by Nigella Sativa, a bottle of it in fact.

I’ve always known the black seed, Nigella Sativa as Habbatul Saudah or the Black Seed. It is the seed, which according to the sayings ( hadith ) of the Prophet sahih Muslim and Bukhari, as the seed to cure all and any illnesses except death.

Yesterday I had a very, very bad allergy reaction. Over a period of 12 hours, my whole body was covered with fiery red blotches–rashes due to either something I ate or somewhere I sat where there were mites. I suspected the latter as I was watching a movie and my hyper sensitive skin got the rash the following morning which was yesterday. It was itchy and I was going crazy. The blotches were spreading fast and furious and I panicked and afraid it would go to my face. That is not as bad as the itch itself. It was killing me softly…

We rummaged through the house and only found a dried up bottle of calamine lotion. Rummaged through the forgotten pack of gifts someone who came back from performing last year’s hajj for something—or ANYTHING ! I was desperately itchy. I suddenly found 2 unopened bottles of Nigella Sativa/Habbatul Saudah/Black Seed oil in there. And there on the instruction pack, it says that the Prophet said this is a cure to any disease except for death. And since the itch was killing me, no harm trying, right? The instruction also said to rub the oil onto the affected areas if it is a skin problem. The husband helped with that as my hands were all over scratching. By then I looked like a really sore and bloated chicken. Raw from all my scratching.

I slept the whole night through bathed in Nigella Sativa oil. This morning when I woke up at 5 am, I was as good as new. As if the rashes never happened.

So, it is a cure to all diseases but death? I hear you, ya Maulana!!! Thank YOU !

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